Alexander Elliott

Hello! I'm Alex and I'm a master's student in computer science at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) with a specialization in computing systems. In 2021, I completed a BS degree in computer science from Georgia Tech with concentrations in Information Internetworks and Systems Architecture. I am currently a Graduate Research Assistant in the Computing and Society Lab. My main interests are computer networking, embedded systems, and low-level computing. I'm passionate about learning how computers work at a low-level and understanding how it impacts code at a high level.

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Cool Projects

  • Smart Sea-Level Sensors

    Currently working on project to retrofit sea-level sensors in around Sapello Island in coastal Georgia to communicate with SWARM satelites.

  • The Sad Story of DNSSEC

    Paper for Georgia Tech's CS 8803 - Securing the Internet Infrastructure exploring the real-world deployment of Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)

  • GA Smart Communities

    Studied methods to extend last-mile connectivity to four under-served GA communities as part of the GA Smart Communities initiative.

  • LoRaX: Repurposing LoRa as a Low Data Rate Messaging System to Extend Internet Boundaries

    This project proposes a novel approach to extend connectivity in rural areas using LoRa - an Internet of Things protocol. Constructed a testbed to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and collect experimental results. Work was in collaboration with NAU's CANIS lab. Paper submitted to ACM COMPASS 2022 - Computing and Sustainable Societies.

  • Quinault Indian Language App

    The Quinault tribe is a Native American group based in Northwest Washington facing extinction of their language; while some tribal elders can speak some, no one is fluent anymore. This group project is a mobile language learning application that aims to teach young members of the tribe words and phrases in Quinault in a gamified manner.

  • Reaper Farm

    Project to autonomously grow Carolina Reaper pepper plants using a Raspberry Pi. What started as a simple watering and grow light toggling program now uses socket programming to allow devices on the network to monitor and control the plants over a TCP connection while data logging of soil moisture and light levels allows the Pi to send clients real-time data visualizations.

  • Traveling Salesman

    An approach to the Traveling Salesman problem using Simulated-Annealing in C. Partner project for CS 3510 Design & Analysis of Algorithms.

  • Analysis of Crime and its Influencing Agents

    Group project for Emerging Database Technologies leveraging Apache Hadoop and Apache Hive to analyze the influence that weather patterns have on crime rates and crime types by querying a Big Data set.

  • Speed Snake

    Snake game written in C for the Game Boy Advance. This project uses Direct Memory Access (DMA) to draw and update the screen. Arrow keys allow the player to control the snake to both collect apples and power-ups.

  • Space Pirates

    A space exploration game created with Python Flask for a semester-long group project in Intro to Software Engineering.

  • B Extension

    Google Chrome extension that turns B's on the page into emoji B's.

  • Food Map of Atlanta

    Created for an English project, this project takes data of Middle-Eastern restaurants in Atlanta from Yelp and plots them on an interactive map.

  • Bubble Sort Visualizer

    A bubble sort visualizion tool made using Pygame in Python.

  • Electric Vehicle for Science Olympiad

    This was a small electric vehicle that I made for a Science Olympiad tournament. You could select a distance on the car for it to travel and it would have to get as close to that distance as possible. I built it using an Arduino and a custom circuit to select the distance.

  • Custom Tower Defense

    My first take on a tower defenese game in HTML5. Though some parts are incomplete, the game features a working console that takes user commands and alters the game.

  • Memesweeper

    A highly customizable version of minesweeper with multiple different gamemodes. Numbers are all replaced with memes.


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